Green Party’s Deputy Leader to Visit Billericay in lead-up to local elections

Local News

The South West Essex Green Party has announced that the party’s deputy leader, Zack Polanski, will visit Billericay on Saturday 16th December. His visit comes as the local party hopes to win big in May 2024’s all-out local elections. Zack is keen to meet the local candidates and volunteers working hard as the election approaches.

In particular, Zack hopes to speak with the local party about proposals for large-scale developments on green land without consideration for infrastructure needs.

They will discuss strategies for building prosperity on the high street and supporting independent, local businesses, taking an approach that aims to bolster the local economy while preserving the historic character of Billericay.

The last time the Greens stood in Billericay East, they came in second place, beating both Labour and the Lib Dems. This year, they believe they have a good chance of winning, giving residents the chance to vote for a change.

Andy Tatman, Green candidate for Billericay East, emphasizes the Green Party’s independent stance. “As Greens, we prioritize our community’s needs over party lines. Our commitment is to good governance, constructive criticism, and accountability, regardless of who is in power. In traditionally ‘safe seats’ like Billericay East, major parties often overlook the residents’ needs. We are here to change that and ensure that the voices of the residents are heard loud and clear.”

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