Elizabeth Grant for South Basildon and East Thurrock

Elizabeth Grant

Elizabeth Grant

Elizabeth Grant is your Green Party candidate for South Basildon and East Thurrock.

I’m standing as your Green Party candidate to offer a real alternative, and fight for justice, change, and real hope.

My varied life experiences – working in education, business, and as a community volunteer – have shown me the empty promises of “change” from successive governments. Too often, we’re left disillusioned, poorer and struggling, so I empathise when voters say “politicians are all the same.” It’s why I joined the Greens – we’re definitely not the same! Our policies tackle the struggles that face us all.

We need MPs who live up to their promises to fight for constituents, hold the powerful to account, and fight for our planet – our only home.

That’s why I am standing to be your Green Party MP, to offer real change for our towns. But I can only do it with your support.

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