Stewart Goshawk for Basildon and Billericay

Stewart Goshawk

Stewart Goshawk

I am standing for the Green Party because the country is crying out for real change and people locally need to have this option.

We need to have a politics that is more compassionate, less adversarial and focuses on issues that will really make a difference to people’s lives. Green politics is as much about social justice as it is about environmental justice. The two go hand-in-hand.

After 14 years of Conservative rule, Britain is on its knees. No public service is better now than in 2010 – we have raw sewage in our rivers, an NHS crumbling under strain, schools woefully under-resourced, an unacceptable housing market, and a broken justice system. The list goes on.

We desperately need a government that can turn things around, but it won’t be easy. No other party is committed to the deep changes we need.

I’ve worked in the charity sector for decades, seeing too many families bearing the brunt of poor decisions by successive governments. And having held senior roles at environmental organisations locally and nationwide, I know the importance of protecting our climate and nature, but also how crucial it is to our mental and physical wellbeing.

That’s why I am standing to be your Green Party MP, to offer real change for local people, but I can only do so with your support.

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